Sargassum Summer
St. Philip, Barbados
Video, Single channel projection. Color. Sound. 8:40 min. 2019
Sargassum Summer
Recorded using an iPhone, the video depicts the accumulation of sargassum algae due to climate change on the coast of St. Philip, Barbados, in 2019. Producing dense mats spanning upwards of 5.5 miles and consisting of over 20 million metric tons of biomass, sargassum has been migrating from West Africa across the Atlantic to the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The seaweed bloom, linked to deforestation and the use of fertilizers, has been known to trap turtles, choke coral and seagrasses, and release hydrogen sulfide in large quantities. The video's ever-changing coloration considers the relationship between the low-resolution image to the ambience of environmental decline.